Credit for Civil Servants

First Capital Bank’s Credit for Civil Servants is a secure financing solution designed to support the development of the civil servant’s personal and/or professional projects.

These are short, medium and/or long-term loans whose maturity can vary from 6 to 84 months for the repayment period, with an administrative fee of 12% and a monthly interest rate between 2.50% and 3.83% depending on the term of the loan.

Note: New interest rates effective from July 26, 2024.

First Capital Bank has been duly registered by CEDSIF with code number 437 to provide loans to public employees.


– Attractive fixed interest rate;

– Disbursement in 24h to 72h;

– No need to open a bank account;

– Life insurance of 0.109% monthly included in the installment

– Flexible repayment period 6 to 84 months;

– Amount of disbursement up to 2.000.000 Meticais.


– Copy and original photo of National ID or Passport

– Copy of National ID of the Insurance Beneficiary


– Recent Original Salary Slip

– Recent Bank Statement showing three (3) months’ salary entries

– Proof of Residence

– Salary declaration

– Employment Appointment or Confirmation Letter

– Loan quotation form for consolidation loans


– Amount of financing: 50,000.00 MZN;

– Period: 84 months;

– Fixed monthly interest rate: 3,83%;

– Monthly installment 2.167,29 MZN;

Pricing table

Term Loan Interest
6 2.50%
9 2.67%
12 2.75%
24 2.92%
36 3.17%
48 3.58%
60 3.75%
72 3.83%
84 3.83%



Once all the necessary requirements are met and as per the Bank Credit Policy, the disbursement is made within a period of 24 to 72 business hours.

Our sales agents are at your disposal to meet all your financial needs in the comfort of your own region.

For more information, please contact:

Email: credito.publico@firstcapitalbank.co.mz

Agency name Contacts Address
Agente Beira 842579224 Bairo Maquinino – AG Beira Shopping
Agente Nampula 846380835 Bairo Muahivire, Monica Shopping, loja G1, Rua de Quelimane
Agente Tete 845027177 Cidade de Tete, Av. Da Independência, loja n° 5 em frente a Escola Primária III Congresso
Agente Manica 845075649 Cidade de Chimoio, Bairro Eduardo Mondlane, Rua do Barué, loja n.° 26
Agente Pemba 845490520 Edifício de imóveis 25 de Setembro, Av. 25 de Setembro, Cidade de Pemba n.º 08 (R/C)
Agente Quelimane 844689322 Building Drogaria da Zambezia, 1st of July Avenue, No. 1,070, First Floor, Quelimane City.
Agente Gaza 848246321 Cidade de Xai-Xai Rua Martires de Wiriamo Loja N. 03 R/C
Agente Niassa 867942950 Cidade de Lichinga Av. do Trabalho ao lado da Movitel em frente ao Comando da PRM
Agente Inhambane 842821036 Maxixe – Av. Karl Max, próximo a Escola Primária e Secundaria
Manya Head Office – Maputo 840530868 Av. Amilcar Cabral N° 640, Bairro Polana Cimento, Maputo

Manya Sales Limitada, Av. Amilcar Cabral N° 640, Bairro Polana Cimento, Maputo, +258 84 267 2716.

Products and services provided by banking agent:

  • Origination of credit processes of the civil servant segment.
  • Uploading of the credit processes of the civil servant segment in the LAM system.
  • Provision of information to customers in relation to statements and repayment plans.
  • Attendance to customers of the civil servant segment.